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The EV Rider Scooter company has been producing different lines of scooters since 1996. Their brands include the Royale, the Vita, the Gusto (Now the Hummer) the Classic or Lexis foldable Scooter, the Sport Rider scooter and the Stand N' Ride. The EV Rider Scooter Company serves 40 of the U.S. States, Canada, and Spain.

The Royale 3 Wheel, 4 Wheel & Royal Duo 2 Seater almost looks like a space age motorcycle. It can reach speeds of up to 9.3 miles per hour and has an odometer, which means you'll never have to guess when you've reached the end of your 35 mile driving range. The Royale also offers a massively comfortable 18 inches of leg room for you to enjoy.

The Vita has a distinctive, stylish design. The wide tiller provides some collision protection in front in the event of an accident. There is also a digital, waterproof display that tells you the actual speed, the ambient temperature, how far you've traveled and your battery charge.

The Hummer is a mid-size Scooter that can hold over 350 pounds. It has a "European" style body, so if you prefer the European style over the other styles that are out there, then you'll like the Hummer. The Hummer also folds for travel or storage, so it's nice and convenient to fit with all aspects of your life.

The EV Rider Sport Scooter is a good choice for someone who would like a scooter that looks a little bit like a motorcycle. The Sport Scooter has an upgraded motor that lets you take the speeds all the way up to 10.5 miles for hour, making it one of the fastest little scooters on the market. The Sport Scooters are brand new on the market, and so if you want to order one you should contact someone right away to pre-order, because the dealers are expecting them to go out of stock very quickly.

The Stand N' Ride scooters are good scooters for people who have to get up and walk or work a little for the short term, but need mobility options for longer walks. They're zippy little scooters that will go up to 15 miles per hour, but they also have a low speed mode. The Stand N' Ride will carry up to 300 pounds, as well. These scooters are described as "Pre-mobility" scooters and are also suggested for college campuses, warehouses, or other applications where you might have to move a few things from place to place quickly and often without tiring out your feet and legs. That is, you might not need a scooter under normal circumstances, but it is a big help when you are trying to do a lot of different things and handle a lot of heavy lifting sorts of tasks.

With so many options, it's easy to see why the EV appeals to many different people. To make the best possible choice on the best EV Rider for you, contact a personal mobility advisor. A personal mobility advisor can help you by matching your lifestyle needs to the scooter that will meet those needs the best.


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