Donald Stolts

One of the smartest
purchases I have made in recent years was the acquisition of
the Lexis Light Scooter, which greatly increased my
Prior to purchasing the
scooter my travel freedom was somewhat limited. I was using
a standard wheelchair, which presented several problems. The
wheel chair was bulky, heavy and difficult for my wife to
load and unload from back of our van. Also using the wheel
chair meant my wife was tied down to pushing me anywhere we
wanted to go.
The purchase of my new
scooter solved these major problems and improved my mobility
to the point that we are able to get out and around more
than we did in the prior years. The Lexis Light scooter
easily breaks down in to manageable pieces, which my wide
can easily lift in and out of the van. Also when we are out
she is not bound to me by having to push me around. With my
Lexis Light I can, and do, manage to get around on my own
with the freedom to go where I want without the necessity of
having a pusher with me at all times.
The scooter also gives
more freedom to travel across rougher terrain than was
easily possible with the wheelchair. Travel across grassy
areas like parks and fields is somewhat difficult with a
wheelchair but is easily managed with the Lexis Light. I can
now comfortably get around my own yard, which was not always
possible in the wheel chair.
I would recommend the Lexis
Light scooter to any one that needs a good lightweight
