Mitchell H Bernstein Testimonial

Dear Discover
Your Mobility,
I am recent
amputee and I get around primarily with crutches. I bought a
Lexis Light from you in the spring of 2012 with the idea of
using it when I want to travel farther than I can
comfortably walk. I have added a crutch holder so I can keep
my crutches with me when I travel. I have used the scooter
at the casinos in Vegas and on the boardwalk of the New
Jersey shore. I have used it at two conventions, coming in
from the parking lot to the event location and staying on
the scooter because the scooter seat was more comfortable
than the folding chairs set up for spectators.
I have also used
the Lexis Light scooter at work, since I am responsible for
maintenance of lockers on four floors of a large urban high
school and I could not spend hours “walking” around the
building and checking lockers.
What I
particularly like about this scooter is that even with only
one leg I can quickly and easily take it apart and put it in
the trunk of my car without a lift or ramp or other
assertive device. It is also fast and easy to remove from
the trunk and assemble for use. The heaviest part is the
battery and that is less than thirty pounds.
Because the Lexis
Light is lightweight and folds up and the airline employees
take it from there. When I arrive the scooter is brought
right back to the gate of the plane so I can ride back to
the baggage claim. I have found the lexis Light scooter to
be exactly what I need to help me both at work and at play.
Thank you for recommending it!
Mitchell H Bernstein